The First of 5 Steps to Gaining Self-Confidence
Research has shown time after time that our self-confidence is linked to everything we do: our work, our personal life, our social life, our relationships, our mindset and our process of thinking.
Where does this self-confidence come from and why is it some of us have it and some of us lack it?
Trust me when I say you are born confident. It is simply hidden within you. Confidence is like being a genius. We are all born geniuses, but simply need to tap within our inner talents to awaken the genius in us. If you can believe this, you have taken your first step to your self-confidence.
Our beliefs about ourselves are shaped by those around us including family, friends, co-workers, social media and all the other noise we surround ourselves with. By listening to others, we get so drowned in what I call “unnecessary noise†that we forget what we are capable of doing.
To gain confidence you need to first begin believing in yourself. You need to connect with the authentic you and not the “you” others have made you to believe you are.
Confidence is not something you are aware of every minute of the day and you should expect to instantly become confident. To be confident you need to make the choice to align yourself with your purpose and then see if your company you keep is aligned to that purpose and those values.
I will share the 5 ways of gaining confidence in the next series of blogs and here is step 1:
Stop believing all that you see on social media.
Now that social media has become ubiquitous, the messages hit closer to home. It’s easy to believe that everyone around you has the perfect marriage, a dream career, and supermodel looks to boot. But remember: What people post online is heavily curated and edited. Everyone has bad days, self-doubt, and physical imperfections. They just don’t trot them out on Facebook!
See you at step 2 shortly.