
Drama Queens

Drama Queens

How many times do you tell yourself “I am just done with the drama!â€
Not sure about the rest of you but there comes a point or maybe even an age when a woman just cannot deal with the drama. For me that magical number was my 50th birthday and it got even better as I got older. Now at 63, I am seriously not phased by drama and simply walk away from the dramatic characters I run into.

Let’s begin by understanding what is drama and why are women always labelled as being dramatic or drama queens? The definition that I find most suitable (and do share your views and  your own definitions) is that a dramatic person is someone who has exaggerated or reacted  over emotionally to events or situations,  and/or someone that constantly craves the attention from these situations. Hence the term “drama queenâ€!

For many of us, we will find ourselves caught in the drama, even when we did not realize it. Before we blame others for the drama, let’s not forget, we could walk away from the drama but as women we are so curious to know what is happening that we get caught right in the middle. This means, we chose to engage in it. It then gets worse as we choose to take sides or have others take sides, and this adds to the pain and stress causing more drama. If this is with family it blows out of proportion and amongst female friends, totally explodes into a tornado with the added gossiping and  the fabricated “mirch masala (spices)†to the events.

Drama can be very addictive, and I know some people absolutely thrive on it. Whatever the reason I have the perfect solution or at least what worked for me. I stopped caring. Yes, simply stop caring.
I will listen and then quite honestly step back, look at the big picture and decide if it is even worth interpreting or simply walk away and not get involved. If it is a situation, I have no choice but to get involved like at work, then I simply trade the drama for honest communication and clear boundaries. Actually, if you try this, it is quite easy to disagree without the unnecessary drama.
This is why I believe that “clear communication is the oxygen for all relationshipsâ€.

So what is the point of this blog? Someone asked me how I steer clear of the drama and the drama queens? Here are my 3 tips that I use and have used that have worked:

  1. Be selective about who you spend your time and energy with. Yes. forget those large parties and gatherings where all people do is pretend to be your friend and then simply gossip right after you walk away. Choose your company wisely.
  2. Most people who are dramatic do not even deserve your time or attention so simply be quiet when you get caught in the middle since you will never be able to win the argument or demonstrate reasoning.
  3. Don’t believe everything you think! Be honest with yourself and then take a walk and a chill pill!

Now this is my take on drama queens,  what about you?

By Rennu Dhillon

I am the founder of BWE Building Women Empowered. This has been a vision for many years to bring together women from all walks of life. My daytime job is the empowerment of children, as the founder of a well-known educational franchise program, Genius Kids.

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