After All, I Am Only A Human
Please do not tell me to be strong;
I cannot, my heart is broken.
Please do not tell me to live in hope;
I cannot, I see none.
Please do not tell me that time will heal;
I cannot, time will not bring him back.
Please do not tell me to be positive;
I cannot, my strength of positivity is disappearing.
Remember, I am only human; I have weaknesses like everyone else. I may have survived other storms in my life, but perhaps I managed to climb onto a lifeboat that saved me during those storms. This time, there are no lifeboats even visible on the horizon. I am drowning in the middle of the deep ocean with no hope. I do not see any land. All I see are tidal waves and tsunamis.
Just like when a bird’s wings are cut, she cannot fly because those wings will never grow back. My wings have been ripped, and all I have are deep wounds where those wings used to be. I will stay in my nest and simply remember the skies we travelled together.
When a loved one who has been your anchor of support, your best friend, your buddy, your source of strength and inspiration, your everything, leaves with no return, you cannot be strong. You simply sink in the ocean of helplessness. You question everything around you. You question God!
Instead of saying be strong, be hopeful, be positive, and that time will heal; share a beautiful memory you have of the wings that helped me fly. Allow me to scream loudly, allow me to cry and howl, allow me to be human.
In our attempts to console, we forget the power of simply being present and acknowledging someone’s pain without trying to fix it. Sharing memories and allowing space for tears and vulnerability can be more comforting than any words of encouragement. It takes strength to embrace our humanity fully, with all its vulnerabilities and wounds.
Please do not tell me to be strong;
I cannot, my wings are ripped, I cannot fly.
Please do not tell me to live in hope;
I cannot, I see no sunshine, I see only storms.
Please do not tell me that time will heal;
I cannot, I want to turn the clock back and fly again creating more memories.
Please do not tell me to be positive;
I cannot, my source of inspiration is not here.
Call me if you can allow me to be human.
Message me if you can send me a memory and a moment you shared with my best friend.
Visit me if you can hold my hand and say nothing, but let me break down and fall. Because it is only when I fall that I can try to lift myself up again.
After all, I am only a human!