Stop Being Stagnant- Expand Your Frontier with BWE Today!
Have you ever simply woken up one day and felt like just shaking things up a little bit because everything has become so stagnant, so boring, and so mundane?
We all become complacent in our job, doing the same thing every day. We have this routine we get stuck into like robots and then we simply just plod through the hours, which turn into days, weeks, years… and here we are doing the same old thing all the time. This routine is no longer rewarding or impactful, hence you lose the passion and interest for pursuing what you have always wanted to do.
There are several reasons for this happening, and one of the biggest reasons is that many people, especially women, do not attempt to make the change because of fear of failure. Maybe in the past you made a mistake at work, or you have created this safety zone that you are now stuck in, and hence unable to reach new horizons.
Another reason is that you place yourself as a non-priority in your life, and help everyone else reach their goals except yours. Stop! You are your own priority, and that has to be also placed on the “to-do” list.
The first thing to making a change to reach new horizons is evaluate what is holding you back. If it is the fear of failure, then you need to ask yourself where this fear is stemming from. Many times, it could be the environment we grew up in where we were doubted or scolded for everything, hence lost our confidence in the process.
If you have not done it, then do it today. Simply make that much needed decision to expand your horizons and add some color and excitement to your life.
By the way, it could also be the company that you keep. You need new scenery, new changes, new energy and new motivation. In order to step out of your comfort zone, you have to seek new experiences and create a nucleus of protons that can circulate around you adding to your energy.
The Building Women Empowered Tribe is this new frontier. I had always wanted to have a tribe of amazing women that could support one another through everything, including social meet ups. I procrastinated for such a long time thinking what if this idea does not appeal to others. One day back in October 2021 I woke up determined and my first step was come up with the logo and then create a Facebook group. Was it intimidating? Yes. Was I unsure? Yes. But here we are ladies! in this new tribe meeting new energy every day. I had become a workaholic and forgotten that there was a life outside of my office doors. Align yourself with new people, new energies, new inspirations, new stories, and these will pave the path for new frontiers and new horizons.
Our next goal for BWE is to create sub chapters in different parts of the world and I encourage all those who want to become part of this sisterhood movement to reach out to me and let’s connect to create new horizons for women globally. These sub-chapter can be in cities where you have regular meet-up’s and events, and share your pictures on the group. Hopefully we can expand to having a global convention of like minded, powerful women all get together some day in the near future.
So if you are up to expanding your horizons and be part of this engaging BWE tribe, I want to hear from you! Contact me at [email protected]